Today I’ll have a great opportunity to speak at the Annual Service Conference organized by Äripäev.
This time, I’ve chosen the topic of projections – how, in the workplace, whether dealing with colleagues or clients, we encounter individuals who irritate us, get on our nerves, or conversely, whom we admire for their excellent behavior, qualities, or skills.
What does observing others say about us and how can we discover our untapped potential through this? That’s the key theme for today.
For those not attending the conference, here are the main points regarding the need to deal with reflections of our inner world (or projections) externally:
– We subconsciously expend our energy on such irritants, trying not to utilize them.
– The rejected parts of ourselves are felt most acutely when we come into contact with someone we don’t like.
When our energy is spent on admiring others or dwelling on negative thoughts about them, we aren’t using our energy for our own lives; instead, we’re expending it on them.
It’s easy to comprehend this logically, but since it all operates automatically and subconsciously, noticing this is the first step to prevent our own energy from draining away from our lives.