Have you thought about your footprint as a leader and as a person? How do people feel about working with you? What is your heritage?

I am a holistic experienced business leader, trainer, mentor and consultant, who believes that in organisations, emotions are underestimated alongside rationality, as well as everyone’s personal deeper influences and goals. Harmony between rational, systemic management and emotions is, in my view, the foundation of a future leader. 

Being a good leader, overall productivity and mindfulness starts with inner satisfaction and balance. If something is bothering you, it’s up to you to do something about it – go to training, get a mentor or therapist, read a book or listen to a podcast.

My work as a trainer, mentor and consultant is predominantly with managers, but I enjoy working with everyone, whatever their role. Also in my role as a holistic regression therapist, my clients come from very different backgrounds and experiences. Read my thoughts on the blog, in the book or listen to the podcast.

In training sessions for managers and teams with different levels of experience, we look inward and work on developing the necessary leadership skills. The trainings are always flexible according to the needs of the group, as the group is made up of individuals with their own deeper stories.

The one-to-one meeting will help you to address your personal and team challenges as a leader. I’m a development partner for you through sharing my experience. Mentoring is about discussing topics of interest with a more experienced person. I will support you in making and implementing the changes you need.

In holistic regression therapy, I help you to work through your past and create a vision of the future that is in harmony with you. During the therapy process, you will learn to be more in the present, to focus your attention, to be in touch with both your body and your inner world.


For decades, we have been at the extremes of applying textbook business and management theories and feigning bravado about corporate religion. worshipped. But to find a middle ground, it is necessary to feel both sides and shape them into a post-Covidi leadership script: leadership without leadership. The call of this book is to stop creating management theories and to stop managing because we are in fact in a management crisis on a massive scale. In the country, in organisations, in ourselves. We created this crisis and we can solve it ourselves.

Feedback from

Ivar's training made me look at leadership and also at life from a different, perhaps hitherto somewhat hidden, perspective. From a side that I haven't had the courage to look at or delve into. An extremely world-expanding experience.

Katrin Parik
If P&C Insurance

The training focused on the key resource a manager needs to achieve the desired results: himself/herself.
First and foremost, the training confirmed that the basis for management has changed, because the "material" on which the manager works has changed.

Kaja Piirfeldt
Estonian Youth Volunteers NGO.
Farmer of the Year 2020

I liked Ivar's reasoning and engaging style and that it was not a training on slides. Anyway, our leaders left the training inspired and ready to analyse things from a new perspective.

Birgit Merilain
State Real Estate Company

The value that Ivar offers is not just training or advice, but much, much more. Ivar touches the soul deeply, makes you think, and somehow helps you reach valuable conclusions in a natural way. I have always got much more meaningful and lasting food for thought from a couple of hours with Ivar than I have from a full day of training with any other trainer. And there's a quip with Ivar too. As soon as the meeting with him is over, my head starts working to see what other trainings/consultations Ivar offers so that I can work with him again 😊 I wholeheartedly recommend him ❤

Kadri Gutmann
LHV Bank