Do you accept reality for what it is?

Life is what it is, and accepting reality is something that organisations have to face every day. Organizations have their own rhythms and waves of siloing-collectivism, struggle-collaboration, recruitment-co-operation, ups and downs, etc. If we put energy into fighting it, complaining about it, and creating drama, we are only adding stress to ourselves, but not adding value. The added value is just the constant feeling of being in a hurry, because you have to keep thinking how complicated it all is.

When we are in conflict with reality, we suffer the most. By accepting it as it is, we are also putting our creative potential to work while respecting reality.

Most often, what happens in organisations triggers our own inner fear of abandonment (from the first years of life), fear of death, fear of losing group loyalty and self-worth (especially if I have identified with my job title, role or a particular organisation). Organizational positions don’t work against people, but help to trigger deeper issues from which we only try to escape with new goals and future actions. Life becomes calmer when we accept the present as it is and work through the past situation that arises and the emotions that are stuck there.

We discuss this with Reelika today’s episode of the 102nd podcast, “Leadership without leadership”. Listen to us on your favourite podcast channel ๐Ÿ™‚