What chapter are you in in your life?

Which chapter are you in? In relationships, at work or wherever… Oh how much I have used the song below lately in my 1-1 work with clients, in advising management teams, not to mention in my own life when I see the same hole over and over again.

Same pattern, different people. Same problems, different company. Same problems, different companion or meeting partner. Unfortunately, or fortunately, chapters have to be read in turn in life. There’s no lift to go up in, just step by step until it’s uncomfortable enough not to move and only then do you get to chapter 5.

Autobiography in chapter five

1. I’m walking down the street.
There is a deep hole in the middle of the road.
And in I tumble.
I am lost … I have no hope.
It’s not my fault.
It takes me an eternity to get out of here.

2. I’m walking down the street.
There is a deep hole in the middle of the road.
I pretend I can’t see.And I fall in again.
Incredible – here I am again.
It’s not my fault.
To get out of here, again, takes a long time.

3. I’m walking down the street.
There is a deep hole in the middle of the road.
I can see, but I still fall in… it’s like a habit!
My eyes are open now and I know where I am.
It’s my own fault and I’m about to run out.

4. I’m walking down the street.
There is a deep hole in the middle of the road.
I’m going to bypass it.

5. I’m going the other way.