The potential can flow when the past is healed

Such a sentence was said by an expert in systemic management Jan Jacob Stam in one of his trainings, and of course for me as a leadership trainer AND therapist, it hits the nail on the head and creates a bridge between forward looking leadership and a therapist focused on deeper resolution of past traumas, both major and minor.

Everyone wants to grow. But what if growth is hindered by what you’re carrying around with you – the living past. Whether it’s your personal history or the history of your organisation that lives on in the walls.

Potential can flow when the past is healed. Precisely when the old has been seen, heard, witnessed, lived through – and not just squeezed shut and painted over with a new purpose.

You can’t build a new one if the old one is still inside you, stuck in expectations, disappointments and patterns you don’t even notice. Rushing forward, hoping that “time will heal the wounds”. Time does nothing. You do, actions over time do.

The biggest obstacle to your potential is yourself – if you don’t allow yourself to look where you’ve been afraid to look. When you’re ready to let go, you can start to flow.

Nothing too difficult, but well, when you start from the animal side, it gets hard at first and it can feel like I needed to poke at the past. It seems to get worse. But then, it’s the darkest night just before dawn. And I can see from my own experience, and that of many clients, that it is then that one arrives at that PERFECT peace and happiness that used to flow at the end of a road paved so far and with so many conditions.

Ivar Raav- Potential can flow when the past is healed