If an issue or problem persists, it’s worth asking yourself: am I going to stick with it? What am I loyal to that is preventing a solution from coming? What am I willing to give up for a solution?
For something to come, something has to go. For example, there is sometimes a need:
✅ to stop complaining and take responsibility
✅ give up an old habit, belief or familiar thought
✅ giving up the need to always be right, perfect, correct.
✅ Give up the need to control
✅ To give up the need to please others and save them.
✅ give up comfort to take the first step
✅ to give up being obscure and become visible
✅ to give up being visible and to distance oneself for a while
For example, a few years ago, I made the decision to abandon one of my strong beliefs that “you have to suffer and solve everything on your own.” This led me into constant overwork, fatigue and easily irritable, even passive-aggressive because I didn’t know how to ask for help.
When I abandoned that thinking and decided to take responsibility in a different way – to talk about my limits, ask for support and share responsibility – I realised how much easier life was and how many more solutions came into my life. How many great people came into my life because of that decision to give up.
When you’re ready to give something up, you give solutions a chance to come into your life. After all, then there’s an empty space in front of you for the solutions to come.