Gradually, the usual rhythm of work, rushing from one meeting to the next or from one logistical task to the next, rewinds. Despite the fact that if you allow yourself to take a quieter time, the surrounding anxiety(s) quickly draws in. A familiar feeling?
If you’re feeling anxious and constantly rushing around, try two very simple but quick solutions:
– notice your walking speed and just consciously slow down your walking. You can get from one meeting room to the next in 1 minute, but you can also get there in 2, nothing bad happens, only good.
– when anxiety sets in and your head starts to swim with thoughts, imagine that you are breathing in through your heart. We still breathe as we breathe, but just imagine that you are breathing through your heart. It only takes a few minutes and you will notice that you are balanced. This is quite logical, because then the rhythms of the brain and the heart become similar, and this brings calm to the body (including the mind).
And a bonus tip: just let yourself be, whether it’s on a walk or in transport – without headphones and new information coming out of them (yes, even if my and Reelika’s podcast “Driving without driving” is great!). 😁 Instead, listen to the wind, your footsteps, your breathing, your thoughts.
Slow walking and being present helps the nervous system to calm down, the mind to clear and the body to relax. There’s no need to go on a big trip, go to a spa, go to the woods, or completely reorganise your life. With peace, we can make friends again with very small, momentary changes. Life happens around us all the time, it’s just a question of how we react to it.
So the next time you’re walking fast, maybe this post will come to mind and you’ll slow down a bit and notice a big difference!
Or the next time something makes you anxious – try breathing through your heart for 2 minutes. You might be surprised.